3rd Annual High School Art Competition - 2024
Open to all Santa Cruz County Middle and High School Students (grades 6-12)
ArtFuel.org is hosting a regional art competition entitled The Night Sky. This competition will celebrate young talent and is open to all middle school and high school students (grades 6-12) throughout all Santa Cruz County school districts. This includes all public and private schools as well as home schooled students.
We are accepting original artworks that reflect students’ personal exploration of Where the Sky Meets the Sea. Categories include:
Works on Paper, Painting, and 3-Dimensional work.
• Artists may submit only one entry for each category
• Artwork must be original (unique in concept and created directly by the student)
• Artwork should not exceed 4-feet by 4-feet in size and be made within the past 15 months
• Deadline for entry is May 10, 2024 (late or incomplete submissions will not be considered)
• Finalists will be announced by the end of May
• Curated artwork will be shown online by June 2024.
• Entry to Flora and Fauna competition is FREE
• Students must submit a digital version of their artwork online here at ArtCall.org:
• Entries should include artwork title and size, along with a brief description of their work
• Submit artworks as a jpeg, png or gif digital file; note: there is a size limitation of 5MB
Finalists will be awarded a variety of prizes.
High school students and middle school students will be judged separately.
• First Place (high school) - $250
• First Place (middle school) - $250
• Second Place (high school) - $125
• Second Place (middle school) - $125
• Third Place (high school) - $75
• Third Place (middle school) - $75
• “Best Of” categories will be awarded prizes, donated by our sponsors
Selections will be based on the following criteria: execution, uniqueness, and creativity. The selection committee are all local professional artists. Students may include participation in this competition on their resumes for scholarships and college applications.
Email any questions to info@ArtFuel.org or call 831-346-2650.

"Great art picks up where nature ends." -Marc Chagall